Profile of Scientist and Scientific Staff
Geoweb Services, IT and Distance Learning (GIT&DL) Department is a recently formed department at IIRS. The department was formed in February 2016 to cater the need of mass level training and capacity building requirements in space technologies and its applications for various user segment in the society. The focus of the department is to strengthen the Academia and User Segment in Space Technology & Its Applications using Online Learning Platforms. The major objectives of this department are:
- Geoweb Services:
- Capacity building and R & D activities in Geoweb services and related technologies such as Web GIS, Mobile GIS, Location Based Services (LBS) and cloud GIS etc.
- Design and development of Geoweb/Web GIS based solutions for various thematic applications using desktop and mobile platforms.
- Information Technology (IT)
- Capacity building on advancements in Information Technologies (IT) for Geospatial applications.
- Cyber GIS and computation intensive spatial analysis and processing.
- Central data, computing and Information Services.
- IT Infrastructure development, setup and operations for the Institute.
- Distance Learning (DL)
- Capacity building in Remote Sensing and Geospatial technologies through Distance Learning mode (Live & interactive and e-learning)
- Digital contents creation for Geospatial technologies.
- R&D activities on 2D and 3D Simulations and virtualization for scientific instruments such as DGPS, TLS, spectro-radiometer etc., and practical experiments in RS&GIS
- R&D activities of methodologies on active learning
- Annual Course Calendar Live & Interactive Programme – 2017:
Following are the online courses conducted/plan to conduct in year 2017 under live & interactive mode. These courses are being conducted in collaboration with various departments at IIRS.
- Recent Trends in Remote Sensing and GIS Application in Carbon Forestry – Forestry & Ecology Department
- Microwave Radar Remote Sensing and its Applications- Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing Department and Disaster Management Sciences Department.
- RS & GIS Applications in Water Resource Management- Water Resources Department
- UAV Remote Sensing and Applications- Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing Department
- Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis- Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing Department
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing - Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing Department
- Global Navigation Satellite System and Geographical Information System
- RS & GIS Applications – Geoinformatics Department
- Basics of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System-GT&OP Group
- Close Range Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning- GIT&DL Department
- Annual Course Calendar IIRS e-Learning Programme
- Comprehensive certificate course on Remote Sensing and Geo-information Science- 04 Months duration.
- Certificate course on Fundamentals of Remote Sensing-01 Month duration.
- Certificate course on Fundamentals of Photogrammetry and Cartography-01 Month duration.
- Certificate course on Fundamentals of Geographical Information System and Global Navigation System-01 Month duration.
- Certificate course on Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing-01 Month duration.
- Department also conducts various short term customized courses for various target user groups in the area of:
- Geoweb services,
- Mobile GIS,
- advancements in Information Technologies (IT) for Geospatial applications,
- Design and development of Geoweb/Web GIS based solutions for various thematic applications,
- Cyber GIS and computation intensive spatial analysis and processing,
- Central data, computing and Information Services and related areas.
- National Biodiversity Information System;
- ISRO Bhuvan Geoportal and its applications;
- Online Geo-analytics and spatial modelling;
- Spatial Big data analytics;
- Crowd sourcing and Participatory GIS using web and mobile platforms;
- High Performance Computing for geo-scientific analysis and processing;
- Web service Orchestrations and its applications for Spatial decision support system;
- Spatial Mashup and its applications in disaster management;
- IIRS Outreach Programme: Live & interactive classrooms and e-learning
- Software Development & Digital workflow Automation;
- Evaluation of GAGAN and IRNSS Data in Himalayan Terrain;
- Web-enabled Spectral Library Archival & Analysis System;
- Performance Analysis of Segmentation for feature identification;
- Terrestrial Photogrammetry Applications;
- Space borne LiDAR for LULC Classification and Building Height Estimation;
- ISRO Digital Knowledge Repository.
- Distance Learning Center (Studio and control room);
- High Performance Computing Cluster;
- IRNSS and GAGAN Receivers;
- Central computing Facility;
- Unified Storage (NAS and SAN);
- Centralized Satellite and map Data archive;
- Spacenet and ISRO VRF;
- Centralized software licensing, web hosting, email, data archive center etc.
Phone : +91-135-2524354
Email : gitdloffice[at]iirs[dot]gov[dot]in , headgitdl[at]iirs[dot]gov[dot]in Address : 4, Kalidas Road, Dehradun- 248001 India