
Dr. Yogesh Kant

Image of Dr. Yogesh Kant
Designation Scientist/Engineer- SF
Department Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Department
Field of Expertise Land surface processes, urban thermal environment, aerosol characterization
Mail Address Indian Institute of Remote Sensing ISRO, Govt. of India 4, Kalidas Road, Dehradun- 248001 India.
  • Thermal Remote Sensing
  • Remote Sensing studies in land surface processes
  • Urban Thermal Environment
  • Aerosol Characterization
  • Life member of IMS
  • Life Member of IASTA
  • Life member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
  • Life Member of Indian Geophysical Union
  • COSAPR, France
  • Asian Journal of Physics
  • Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences
  • Journal of Environmental Studies and Policy
  • Ph.D - Physics, Osmania University, 2000
  • MSc. - Physics, H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar, 1995
  • BSc. - H. N. B. Garhwal University, Srinagar, 1993
  • 2000-till date - Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Dehradun
  • Conferred with International Geosphere Biosphere Programme START Young Scientist. Award from USA for the year 2002.
  • International Journal of Remote Sensing
  • Current Science
  • Geocarto International
  • Aerosol and Air Quality Research
  • Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing
  • Journal of Indian Geophysical Union
  • Journal of Earth System Science
  • Journal of Agricultural Meteorology
  • Advances in Meteorology
  • Awarded Best Poster presentation at Indian Aerosol Science & Technology Association (IASTA) 2010 at Bose Institute, Darjeeling.
  • Merit award in the intra-centre Hindi technical seminar on Advances of remote sensing conducted at IIRS, Dehradun in 2008
  • Best Paper Award by Indian Society of Remote Sensing Journal Published for the year 1999.
  • Shaik, D. S,Yogesh K Mitra, D., Chandola, H. C., and Suresh Babu, S. 2018. Long-term variability of MODIS 3 km aerosol optical depth over Indian region, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., IV-5, 359-366,, 2018.
  • Nanda, C Yogesh K Gupta, A., and Mitra, D. 2018. Spatio-temporal distribution of pollutant trace gases during diwali over India, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., IV-5, 339-350,, 2018.
  • Yogesh K Saiful,A and Mitra,D. 2018. Analyzing the influence of urgan growth on thermal environment through demographic, environmental and physical parameters in Bangaldesh. Land-Atmospheric Research Applications in South and Southeast Asia. Springer. ISBN:978-3-319-67473-5, p. 613-639.
  • Shaik,SD. Yogesh K Mitra, D & Babu, S. 2017. Assessment of Aerosol Characteristics and Radiative Forcing Over Northwest Himalayan Region. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. vol. 10(12), pp-5314-5321, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2749481.
  • Dumka, UC., Shaik,SD., Kaskaoutis,DG.,Yogesh K & Mitra, D. 2016. Columnar aerosol characteristics and radiative forcing over the Doon Valley in the Shivalik range of northwestern Himalayas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Vol 23 (24), p. 25467-25484.
  • Shaik,SD. Yogesh K & Mitra, D. 2016. Variability of aerosol optical depth and aerosol radiative forcing over Northwest Himalayan region. SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Clouds, and Precipitation VI. 98762M-98762M-9.
  • Yogesh, K., Singh, A., Mitra, D., Madhu,AS and Krishna Murthy, YNV. 2015. Optical and Radiative Properties of Aerosols over Two Locations in the North-West Part of India during Premonsoon Season. Advances in Meteorology. Article ID 517434,
  • Chakraborty, SD., Yogesh K and Mitra, D. 2015. Assessment of land surface temperature and heat fluxes over Delhi using remote sensing data. Journal of Environmental Management, 148, 143-152.
  • Salim,M., Mishra, A,K and Yogesh, K. 2015. Estimation of IPAR and Direct Forcing of Aerosol over Dehradun and Surrounding Area (India) Using MODIS Derived Atmospheric Products: A Case Study. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, vol 43 (1), pp. 181-187.
  • Sharma,N., Dadhwal, VK., Yogesh, K and Mallikarjun. 2014. Atmospheric COâ‚‚ Variations in Two Contrasting Environmental Sites over India. Air, Soil and Water Research, doi: 10.4137/ASWR.S13987.
  • KRM Rao., Yogesh, K and Chandra, S. 2014. Disease modeling–An alert system for informing environmental risk factor for TB infection. Journal of Biomedical Engineering & Medical Imaging, 1 (1), 1-13.
  • Chakraborty, SD., Yogesh K and Bharath, B.D. 2014. Study of Land Surface Temperature in Delhi City to Manage the Thermal Effect on Urban Developments. International journal of advanced scientific and technical research, 1(4), 439-450.
  • N Sharma, RK Nayak, VK Dadhwal, Yogesh K, MM Ali. 2013. Temporal Variations of Atmospheric CO2 in Dehradun, India during 2009. Air, Soil and Water Research, 6, 37-45
  • Rahul R, Hamm, N and Yogesh, K. 2013. Analysing the effect of different aggregation approaches on Remotely Sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34(14) 4900-4916.
  • Yogesh, K, Patel P, Mishra AK, Dumka UC, Dadhwal VK. 2012. Diurnal and Seasonal Aerosol Optical Depth and Black Carbon in the Shiwalik hills of the North Western Himalayas: A Case Study of the Doon Valley, India. International Journal of Geology, Earth and Environmental Sciences 2 (2), 173-192.
  • Rao KRM, Yogesh, K, Saha Sk, Roy PS. 2012. A Customized GIS Application to Create and Analyze Drought Characteristics using Geoinformation Technologies. international journal of Geoinformatics 8 (2), 13-23.
  • Rao KRM, Yogesh, K, Gahlaut, G, Roy PS. 2011. Assessment of Quality of Life in Uttarakhand, India using geospatial techniques. Geocarto International 27 (4), 315-328.
  • Yogesh K, Javed M, Atiqur R. 2010. Assessment of diurnal urban surface temperature and impervious surface of Delhi and its relationship using Multi-Spectral satellite data. Indian Journal of Geophysical Union, 14 (4).
  • Yogesh, K., Bharath, B.D., and Mallick, J. 2009. Satellite based analysis of the role of LU/LC and vegetation density on surface temperature regime of Delhi, - Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 37, 201-214.
  • Gurdeep, S and Yogesh, K, 2009. Remote Sensing of crop residue burning in Punjab : A study on burned area estimation using multisensor approach. Geocarto International, 24(4), pp. 273-293.
  • Rana, S., Yogesh, K and Dadhwal, V.K, 2009. Diurnal and seasonal variation of spectral properties of aerosol over Dehradun, India. Aerosols and Air Quality Research, 9(1), 50-64.
  • Welikanna, D.R., Tolekin, V.A., Yogesh, K, 2008. Analyzing the effectiveness of Markov Random Field based Super Resolution Mapping over an urban environment” The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, RS and Spatial information sciences, ISPRS Congres Beijing 20078, Volume XXXVII Part B7 Commission VII ISSN 1682-1750.
  • Naseema, A.B., Moorthy, K.K…… Yogesh, K … .,, 2008. Characterization of spectral aerosol optical depths over India during ICARB. Journal of Earth System Science, 117(S1), 303-314.
  • Mallick, J., Yogesh, K and Bharath, B.D. 2008. Estimation of land surface temperature over Delhi using Landsat-7 ETM+. Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, 12(3), 117-126.
  • Punia,M., Nautiyal., V.P and Yogesh, K. 2008. Identifying biomass burned patches of agriculture residue using satellite remote sensing data. Current Science, 94(9), 1185-1190.
  • Trends in Air pollution Research –Editor : James V. Livingston, pp.1-26, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2005
  • Harmsen, K and Yogesh, K, 2004. Remote Sensing, GIS & GPS in India- Applications, Organizations and Grassroots level, GIM International, 18(7), 77-79.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS, 2002. Ground based method for measuring thermal infrared effective emissivities : Implications and perpesctives on the measurement of land surface temperature from satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(11), 2179-2191.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS, 2002. Sub-pixel fire detection using Landsat-TM Thermal data. Infrared Physics and Technology..43, 383-387.
  • Prasad, V.K., Yogesh, K., Gupta,P.K., Elvidge, C and Badarinath, KVS. 2002. Biomass burning and related trace gas emissions from tropical dry deciduous forests of India : A study using DMSP-OLS data and ground based measurements. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23 (14), 2837-2851.
  • Gupta,P.K., Prasad, V.K., Sharma, C., Sarkar,A.K., Yogesh, K., Badarinath, KVS and Mitra, A.P. 2001. CH4 emissions from biomass burning of shifting cultivation areas of tropical deciduous forests – experimental results from ground based measurements. Global Change Science, 3, 133-143.
  • Yogesh, K., Prasad, V.K., Badarinath, KVS. 2001.Studies on Surface energy Balance components using Mid-day surface temperature from satellite Thermal Infrared data. Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, 5(2), p. 73-81.
  • Gupta,P.K., Prasad,V.K., Yogesh.K, Sharma, C., Ghosh,AB., Sharma,M.C., Jain,S.L., Tripathi,OP., Sharma,RC., Badarinath, KVS and Mitra, A.P. 2001.Study of trace gases and aerosol emissions due to biomass burning at shifting cultivation sites in East Godavari District (A.P) during INDOEX IFP-99. Current Science, 80, 186-196.
  • United nations Report – UN/ESA/COSPAR workshop on Data Analysis & Image processing techniques – Paper on 'Role & Retrieval of Geophysical parameters in studying LSP', 8, 2001
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, 2000. KVS. Studies on land surface temperature over heterogeneous areas using AVHRR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21 (8), 8,1749-1756.
  • Yogesh, K., Ghosh,A.B., Sharma,M.C., Gupta,P.K., Prasad, V.K., Badarinath, KVS., and Mitra, A.P. 2000. .Studies on Aerosol optical depth in biomass burning areas using satellite and ground based observations. Infrared Physics and Technology, 41, 21-28.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath . 2000. Land surface emissivity and temperature determination using NOAA-AVHRR data. Geocarto International, 14(1), 63-68.
  • Yogesh, K., Prasad, V.K., and Badarinath, KVS. 2000. Algorithm for detection of active fire zones using NOAA-AVHRR data. Infrared Physics and Technology, 41,. 29-34.
  • Prasad, V.K., Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS.2000. Quantifying short-term carbon dynamics from Land use changes using satellite data – A case study from Rampa Forests (Esatern Ghats), India. Geocarto International, 15(2), 69-75.
  • Prasad, V.K., Gupta,P.K., Sharma,C., Sarkar, A.K., Yogesh, K., Badarinath,KVS., Rajagopal, T and Mitra, A.P. 2000. NOx emissions from biomass burning of shifting cultivation areas from tropical deciduous forests of India – Estimated from ground based measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 34, 3271-3280.
  • Prasad, V.K., Rajagopal, T., Yogesh, K, and Badarinath,KVS. 2000. Quantification of carbon fluxes in tropical deciduous forests using satellite data. Advances in Space Research, 26(7), 1101- 1104.
  • Yogesh, K., and Badarinath, KVS. 2000. The atmospheric aerosol optical depth determination from IRS-P3 MOS data over shifting cultivation areas. Asian Journal of Physics, 9(1).
  • Yogesh, K., Ramakrishna Rao,T.V., Ramakrishna Reddy, R., Prasad, V.K and Badarinath, KVS. 2000. Studies on aerosol optical properties and their association with meteorological parameters using synchronous satellite and ground based measurements. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 19 D(1), 1-13.
  • Yogesh, K., Sharma, M.C., Ghosh,A.B., Gupta,P.K., Prasad, V.K., Badarinath, KVS and Mitra, A.P. 2000. Impact on aerosol optical depth on UV-B radiation – A case study over Eastern Ghats. Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, 28, 71-80.
  • Prasad,V.K., Yogesh, K, and Badarinath, KVS. 2000. Fractical Analysis for forest type discrimination – A case study using IRS-1C LISS-III satellite data. Ecology Environment and conservation, 6(2), 163-170.
  • Prasad,V.K., Yogesh, K, and Badarinath, KVS. 2000. Modelling the impact of fires on tropical deciduous forests – A case study from Rampa forests – Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology, 15(1), 37-46.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS. 1999. Determination of surface temperature over partially vegetated heterogeneous areas using satellite data. Indian Journal of Physics, 73(5), 725 – 729.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS. 1999. Determination of effective emissivity and temperature over inhomogeneous land surfaces – results from field campaign. Current Science, 77(10), 1348 – 1350.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Algorithm for atmospheric correction of Remote Sensing VNIR data. Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, 27, 274-284.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Regional scale Evapotranspiration estimation using satellite derived albedo and surface temperature. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 26(3), 129 – 134.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Land surface emissivity and temperature estimation using Landsat-TM data. Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, l1(2), 73-78.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Generation of fraction Images from AVHRR data using linear Mixing model. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, .26(1&2), 23-27.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Atmospheric correction to thermal IR data for estimation of land surface temperature. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 26(3),113-120.
  • Yogesh, K and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. A method for estimating land surface temperature from satellite data using emissivity derived from vegetation index. Current Science, vol. 75(2), 139-145.
  • Yogesh, K., Charavarthy,BSK, and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Atmospheric correction algorithm to IRS WiFS data. The Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, 2(1), 41-49.
  • Aparna, N., Yogesh, K., Srinivas, D.S, and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Atmospheric correction algorithm to IRS –1C data. Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, 2(1), 35-40.
  • Prasad,V.K., Rajagopal,T., Yogesh, K, and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. A quantitative measure for forest area rehabilitation using IRS-1C LISS-III satellite data. Journal of Ecology,10(2), 37-41.
  • Prasad,V.K., Rajagopal,T., Yogesh, K, and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Studies on biodiversity using semivariogram approach from IRS-1C LISS-III data. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 26(3), 103-112.
  • Prasad,V.K., Yogesh, K, Rajagopal,T., and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Biomass burning and related trace gas emissions from shifting cultivated areas of tropical dry deciduous forests (Estern Ghats- AP). Journal of Ecobiology, 10(3), 213- 218.
  • Prasad,V.K., Yogesh, K., Rajagopal,T., and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Biodiversity studies using spectral and spatial information from IRS-1C LISS-III satellite data. Journal of Ecobiology, 10(3), 179-184.
  • Prasad,V.K., Yogesh, K., Rajagopal,T., and Badarinath, KVS. 1998. Temperature increase and productivity of tropical deciduous forests - A prediction from empirical models. Bulletin of Pure and Applied sciences, 17B(2), 89-98.
  • Prasad, V.K., Rajagopal, T., Yogesh, K, and Badarinath,KVS. 1998. Vegetation Dynamics and Organizational changes in shifting cultivation areas of tropical dry deciduous forests. Asia Pacific Journal of Remote Sensing, 10(2), 27-32.
  • Yogesh K.Saiful,A and Mitra,D. 2018. Analyzing the influence of urgan growth on thermal environment through demographic, environmental and physical parameters in Bangaldesh. Land-Atmospheric Research Applications in South and Southeast Asia. Springer. ISBN:978-3-319-67473-5, p. 613-639.
  • Sarangi, T. Naja, M., Singh, K. P. Yogesh K Ojha, N., Kumar, R., Pandey, K., Kumar, M., Venkataramani, S., Lal, S and Sagar, R., 2011. Chapter-4: “Observations of radiatively and chemically active trace gases in the Central Himalayas and Indo-Gangetic plain region”, Editors Vir Singh., Nanda Nautiyal., Apparusu, S.K and Rawat, Climate change in the Himalayas- preserving the third pole for cooling the Earth, pp. 61-74.
  • V.K. Prasad, P.K.Gupta, C.Sharma,Yogesh K A.P.Mitra, S.Sudo, S.Yonemura, H.Tsuruta and Badarinath, K.V.S.. 2005. “Greenhouse gas emission inventory from biomass burning due to shifting cultivation and forest clearing in India”, Trends in Air Pollution Research. Book Editor: James V. Livingston. Nova Science Publishers pp.1-26. ISBN: 1-59454-326-7
  • Yogesh K, 2001. United nations Report – UN/ESA/COSPAR workshop on Data Analysis & Image processing techniques –'Role & Retrieval of Geophysical parameters in studying Land Ssurface Processes' p.8.
  • Yogesh K., 2001. United nations Report – UN/ESA/COSPAR workshop on Data Analysis & Image processing techniques –'Role & Retrieval of Geophysical parameters in studying Land Ssurface Processes', p.8.
  • Sarangi, T., Naja, M., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Ojha, N., Kumar, R., Pandey, K., Kumar, M., Venkataramani, S., Lal, S. and Sagar, R., “Observations of radiatively and chemically active trace gases in the Central Himalayas and Indo-Gangetic plain region”, in Climate change in the Himalayas: preserving the third pole for cooling the earth, pp 61-74, edited by Vir Singh et al., 2011.
  • V.K. Prasad, P.K.Gupta, C.Sharma, Yogesh,K A.P.Mitra, S.Sudo, S.Yonemura, H.Tsuruta and K.V.S.Badarinath- “Greenhouse gas emission inventory from biomass burning due to shifting cultivation and forest clearing in India”, 2005. Trends in Air Pollution Research. Book Editor: James V. Livingston. Nova Science Publishers pp.1-26. ISBN: 1-59454-326-7.
  • Chintan, N.Yogesh K, Amitesh, G and Mitra, D. 2018. Spatio-temporal changes in atmospheric aerosol during Diwali over India. Submitted in TROPMET 2018 symposium, Oct 24-27, Varanasi.
  • Saheb, S.D, and Yogesh, K. (2016). Seasonal variability of Aerosol characteristics over North-West Himalayan region. ISRS National Sympsoisum ‘Recent advances in RS & GIS with special emaphsis on Mountain ecosystems’ Dec 7-9, 2016 at Dehradun.
  • Saheb, S.D., Yogesh, K. Rajkumar, S. (2015). Analysis of Aerosol optical properties and its Radiative Forcing over a Dehradun-case study winter season. Abstract. National Climate Science Conference. July 2-3, 2015, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
  • Dumka, U,C., Kaskaoutis, DG., Yogesh, K., Sridhar, V., Srivastava, M., Devara, PCS. (2014). Temporal Variability in Black Carbon Mass Concentration over Gangetic Himalayan region. Abstract. Annual Aerosol Science and technology (IASTA) on Changing Aerosols in changing climate: Impacts on Monsoons & Glaciers, BHU, Varanasi, November 11-13, 2014, vol 21, issue 1 &2, page. 128.
  • Murari, V., Yogesh, K and Banerjee, T. (2014). Characterization of Organic Fractions Associated with Coarser particulates in Varanasi during winter 2014. Abstract. Annual Aerosol Science and technology (IASTA) on Changing Aerosols in changing climate: Impacts on Monsoons & Glaciers, BHU, Varanasi, November 11-13, 2014, vol 21, issue 1 &2, page 210.
  • Kumar, M, V., Raj Kumar., Yogesh, K and Banerjee, T. (2014). Study of wintertime characteristics of Aerosols at Varanasi using Calipso and Modis data. Abstract. Annual Aerosol Science and technology (IASTA) on Changing Aerosols in changing climate: Impacts on Monsoons & Glaciers, BHU, Varanasi, November 11-13, 2014, vol 21, issue 1 &2, page 265.
  • Madhusudhan, AS., Niranjan, K and Yogesh, K. (2014). Aerosol climatology study over two coastal locations using satellite derived columnar measurements.. Abstract. Annual Aerosol Science and technology (IASTA) on Changing Aerosols in changing climate: Impacts on Monsoons & Glaciers, BHU, Varanasi, November 11-13, 2014, vol 21, issue 1 &2, page 382.
  • Yogesh, K and Mitra, D. (2014). Aerosol spatial distribution pattern and study of radiative forcing using the synergy of ground and satellite observations. Abstract. IGBP Symposium on Impact of aerosols and benefits of mitigation for south Asia, Feb 3-4, 2014. Bengaluru, India.
  • Yogesh, K., Madhusudanacharyulu, A.S and Mitra, D. (2014). Aerosol spatial distribution patterns and radiative forcing over North India. Abstract Proceedings of 18th National Space Science Symposium, Dibrugarh, Jan 29-Feb1, 2014.
  • Yogesh K and Madhu A.S. (2013). Atmospheric Correction to IRS-P6 AWiFs data using radiative transfer code and its Validation with Ground Measurements. ISRS National Symposium on RS & GIS for Environment with special emphasis on Marine and coastal dynamics. Dec 11-13, 2013 at Visakhapatnam.
  • Yogesh, K and Mitra, D. 2012. Crop residue burning area estimation in parts of Punjab- Remote Sensing approach. International conference on Emerging Trends in Physics for Environmental Monitoring and Management December 17-19, 2012 at Patialia.
  • Patel, P., Yogesh, K and Mitra, D. 2012. Influence of episodic dust events on the Aerosol optical properties over Dehradun. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA) conference during December 11-13, 2012 at Mumbai.
  • Surya,D and Yogesh, K. 2012. Impact of Urbanization on land surface temperature and heat fluxes. ISRS National Symposium December 3-5, 2012 at New Delhi
  • Yogesh Kant. 2010. ISRS National Symposium on GIS & RS in Infrastructural Development, Lonavala,
  • Yogesh, K. 2010. Participated & presented research paper in Intra-centre Hindi technical seminar on Advances of remote sensing, Dehradun.
  • Yogesh Kant. 2010. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association on Aerosols & Clouds: Climate Change Perspectives during March 24-26, 2010, Dargeeling.
  • Yogesh, K. 2008. Participated & presented research paper in Intra-centre Hindi technical seminar on Advances of remote sensing, Dehradun.
  • Yogesh Kant. 2008. National Symposium on advances of RS technology & applications with emphasis on microwave RS. Ahmedabad.
  • ERDAS India GIS & Mapping User meet during September 3-4, 2003 at New Delhi.
  • Yogesh, K. 2001. Attended & presented research paper in ISRS Symposium at SAC Ahmedabad
  • Attended and presented paper in workshop on GIS technologies for sustainable development at local level during October 9-11, 2001 in New Delhi.
  • Yogesh K. 2001. Attended & presented research paper in National Workshop on 'Recent developments in Atmospheric & Space Sciences' at Dept. of Physics, Roorkee University during 19-21 March.
  • Participated in the Working Group Meeting of ISPRS WG VI/4 on “Internet Resources & Distance Learning” on10 Feb, 2001 at New Delhi
  • Attended Map India 2001 conference on GIS, GPS & Remote Sensing at New Delhi during 7-9 February 2001.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad, V.K. 2000. Annual Convention & Symposium on Spatial technologies for Natural Hazards Management at IIT Kanpur during 21-22 November.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad, V.K. 2000. Studies on aerosol properties and their association with meteorological parameters using synchronous satellite and ground based measurements presented at XI National Space Science Symposium to be held at Puri during 1- 4 March.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad, V.K. 1999. Studies on surface energy balance components using mid-day surface temperature from satellite thermal infrared data at 36th Annual convention and meeting of Indian Geophysical Union at Pondicherry during 21-23 December.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad, V.K. 1999. Sub-pixel measurement of heterogeneous land cover features using coarse resolution satellite data at National Symposium on Remote Sensing for natural Resources: Retrospective & Perspective, Bangalore, January 19-21.
  • Yogesh, K and Prasad, V.K. 1997. Land surface emissivity and Temperature estimation using Landsat TM data at convention and meeting on Satellite Navigation System - GPS application at National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad, during 17-19 December.
  • Yogesh, K and Prasad, V.K. 1997. ISRS symposium on RS & GIS for Natural Resource Management, Hyderabad.
  • Yogesh, K and Prasad, VK. 1997. Studies on Taxonomy & Biodiversity of Mangroves in Guntur District - A.P at Changes in Global Climate due to Natural and Human Activities - IGBP Symposium - held at RRL Bhubaneshwar during January 15-17, 1997.
  • Yogesh, K., Surya and Mitra, D. 2013. Assessment of thermal and heat fluxes over urban area over Delhi, India. NASA, START, GOFC-GOLD sponsored International Land cover and Land Use Change Regional Science meeting in South-Asia at Coimbatore, India during January 10-13, 2013.
  • Yogesh K., Madhusudhanacharyulu, AS & Mitra, D. 2013. Atmospheric correction to IRS P6 AWiFS data using radiative transfer & its validation with ground measurements. Proceedings of ISG National Symposium on RS & GIS for Environment with Special emphasis on Marine & Coastal dynamics, Visakhapatnam, page 41.
  • Yogesh, K and Mitra, D. 2012. Crop residue burning area estimation in parts of Punjab- Remote Sensing approach. International conference on Emerging Trends in Physics for Environmental Monitoring and Management December 17-19, page 58, Patialia.
  • Yogesh, K. 2012. Characteristics of Aerosols over Dehradu. Proceedings of the project review meeting, June 2012, Thiruvananthapuram, page 136.
  • Patel, P., Yogesh, K and Mitra, D. 2012. Influence of episodic dust events on the Aerosol optical properties over Dehradun. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA) conference during December 11-13, Mumbai, page 339.
  • Surya,D and Yogesh, K. 2012. Impact of Urbanization on land surface temperature and heat fluxes. ISRS National Symposium December 3-5, 2012 at New Delhi.
  • Ojha, N., Naja, M., Kumar, R., Sarangi, T., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Lal, S., Venkataramani, S., Pandey, K., and Mungali, M. 2011. Tropospheric ozone variations over the Northern India: Balloon borne and surface measurements, US-India Conference cum workshop on 'Air Quality and Climate Research', 14-24 March 2011, Hyderabad, India.
  • Sarangi, T., Naja, M., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Ojha, N., Kumar, R., Pandey, K., Kumar, M., Venkataramani, S., Lal, S. and Sagar, R., “Observations of radiatively and chemically active trace gases in the Central Himalayas and Indo-Gangetic plain region”, in Climate change in the Himalayas: preserving the third pole for cooling the earth, pp 61-74, edited by Vir Singh et al., 2011.
  • Naja, M., Ojha, N., Kumar, R., Sarangi, T., Joshi, H., Pant, P., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Venkataramani, S. and Lal, S. 2010. Trace Species over the central Himalayas and the Indo-Gangetic Plain, IGAC-CACGP Conference, 11-16 July 2010, Halifax, Canada.
  • Ojha, N., Naja, M., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Kumar, R., Sarangi, T., Kumar, M., Pandey, K., and Venkataramani, S. 2010. Observations of Surface ozone in the central Himalayas and the Indo-Gangetic Plain regions, AOGS, 2010, Hyderabad, India.
  • Yogesh Kant. 2010. Diurnal and seasonal variation of black carbon aerosols. Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association on Aerosols & Clouds: Climate Change Perspectives during March 24-26, 2010, Dargeeling, p. 461.
  • Yogesh Kant. 2010. Studies on seasonal variation of black carbon aerosols over Derhadun. Proceedings of ISRS National Symposium on GIS & RS in Infrastructural Development, Lonavala, page 146.
  • Yogesh. 2010. Intra-centre Hindi technical seminar on Advances of remote sensing conducted at IIRS, Dehradun during November, 2010.
  • Yogesh Kant. 2008. Diurnal and seasonal variation of spectral properties of aerosols. National Symposium on advances of RS technology & applications with emphasis on microwave RS. Ahmedabad, page 92.
  • Yogesh. 2008. Intra-centre Hindi technical seminar on Advances of remote sensing conducted at IIRS, Dehradun during November, 2008.
  • D.R., Welikanna, V.A., Tolekin, Yogesh, K. 2008. Analyzing the effectiveness of Markov Random Field based Super Resolution Mapping over an urban environment. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, RS and Spatial information sciences, ISPRS Congres Beijing 20078, Volume XXXVII Part B7 Commission VII ISSN 1682-1750, 2008.
  • Yogesh, K. 2008. ISRO-NASA International workshop on Satellite based science products for climate change studies, Dehradun.
  • Yogesh K and Dadhwal, V.K. 2007. International symposium on Aerosol chemistry interaction. Characteristics of diurnal variation of AOD over Dehradun environs. Ahmedabad, page 23.
  • Yogesh, K. 2002. Proceedings of ISPRS Commission VII symposium on Resource & Environmental monitoring. Hyderabad.
  • Yogesh. K. 2002. 34th Scientific Assembly of COSPAR held at Houstan, USA from 10-19 October, 2002.
  • Yogesh K. 2001. UN/ESA/COSPAR Workshop on Data Analysis & Image Processing Techniques at GORS, Damascus, SYRIA during March 25-29, 2001.
  • Yogesh, K. 2001. UN/ESA/COSPAR Workshop on satellite Data Reduction & Analysis Techniques was conducted in IIRS, Dehradun, INDIA during November 27-30, 2000.
  • Yogesh K 2000. Studies on aerosol properties and their association with meteorological parameters using synchronous satellite and ground based measurements" presented at XI National Space Science Symposium, Puri.
  • Yogesh, K and Prasad, V.K. 1999. 6th Scientific conference of the International Global Atmospheric chemistry Project (IGAC), Bolonga, ITALY.
  • Yogesh K. 1999. Studies on surface energy balance components using mid-day surface temperature from satellite thermal infrared data. 36th Annual convention and meeting of Indian Geophysical Union, Pondicherry.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad V.K. 1999. Presented research paper "Sub-pixel measurement of heterogeneous land cover features using coarse resolution satellite data" at National Symposium on Remote Sensing for natural Resources: Retrospective & Perspective, Bangalore.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad V.K. 1998. 16th CODATA International symposium on 'Scientific and technical data and communication for the sustainable development of Nation'. New Delhi.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad V.K. 1998. 32nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly and Associated Events, Nagoya, JAPAN, 1998.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad V.K. 1997. Land surface emissivity and Temperature estimation using Landsat TM data" at convention and meeting on "Satellite Navigation System - GPS application" at National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad.
  • Shaik, D. S. Yogesh K, Mitra, D., Chandola, H. C., and Suresh Babu, S. 2018. Long-term variability of MODIS 3 km aerosol optical depth over Indian region, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., IV-5, 359-366. ISPRS TC V sympsoium Dehradun Nov. 20-23, 2018.
  • Nanda, C.Yogesh K, Gupta, A., and Mitra, D. 2018. Spatio-temporal distribution of pollutant trace gases during diwali over India, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., IV-5, 339-350. ISPRS TC V sympsoium Dehradun Nov. 20-23, 2018.
  • Yogesh K and D. Mitra. 2018. NASA, START, GOFC-GOLD sponsored International Land cover and Land Use Change Regional Science meeting in South-Asia at Manila,Philippines during May 27-June 2, 2018.
  • Saheb, SD and Yogesh K (2017). Analysis of Aerosol optical Characteristics and Radiative effect over Northwest Himalayan region. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct 23-27, 2017 at New Delhi.
  • Saheb, S.D, and Yogesh, K. (2016). Variability of AOD and ARF over North-West Himalayan region. Tenth SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing symposium. New Delhi.
  • Yogesh, K. 2014. Space Science and Capacity building in Asia and the Pacific region: CSSTEAP Initiative. Abstract. United Nations symposium on ‘Space Science and the United Nations’ in Graz, Austria, September 22-24, 2014.
  • Yogesh, K., Chakraborty, S.D and Mitra, D. 2013. Assessment of thermal and heat fluxes over urban area over Delhi, India. Abstract. NASA, START, GOFC-GOLD sponsored International Land cover and Land Use Change Regional Science meeting in South-Asia at Coimbatore, India during January 10-13, 2013, vol 25, Issue 2.
  • Ojha, N., Naja, M., Kumar, R., Sarangi, T., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Lal, S., Venkataramani, S., Pandey, K., and Mungali, M. 2011. Tropospheric ozone variations over the Northern India: Balloon borne and surface measurements, US-India Conference cum workshop on 'Air Quality and Climate Research', 14-24 March 2011, Hyderabad, India.
  • Sarangi, T., Naja, M., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Ojha, N., Kumar, R., Pandey, K., Kumar, M., Venkataramani, S., Lal, S. and Sagar, R., . 2011. Observations of radiatively and chemically active trace gases in the Central Himalayas and Indo-Gangetic plain region”, in Climate change in the Himalayas: preserving the third pole for cooling the earth, pp 61-74, edited by Vir Singh et al., 2011.
  • Sarangi, T., Naja, M., Singh, K. P., Kant, Y., Ojha, N., Kumar, R., Pandey, K., Kumar, M., Venkataramani, S., Lal, S. and Sagar, R., 2010. Observations of radiatively and chemically active trace gases in the Central Himalayas and Indo-Gangetic plain region, International conference on “cooling the earth”, Tactics for restoring climate order and saving the living planet; 15-17 November 2010, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.
  • Naja, M., Ojha, N., Kumar, R., Sarangi, T., Joshi, H., Pant, P., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Venkataramani, S. and Lal, S. 2010. Trace Species over the central Himalayas and the Indo-Gangetic Plain, IGAC-CACGP Conference, Halifax, Canada.
  • Ojha, N., Naja, M., Singh, K. P., Yogesh, K., Kumar, R., Sarangi, T., Kumar, M., Pandey, K., and Venkataramani, S. 2010. Observations of Surface ozone in the central Himalayas and the Indo-Gangetic Plain regions, AOGS, Hyderabad, India.
  • D.R., Welikanna, V.A., Tolekin, Yogesh, K. 2008. Analyzing the effectiveness of Markov Random Field based Super Resolution Mapping over an urban environment. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, RS and Spatial information sciences, ISPRS Congres Beijing 20078, Volume XXXVII Part B7 Commission VII ISSN 1682-1750.
  • Yogesh K. 2008. ISRO-NASA International workshop on Satellite based science products for climate change studies, Dehradun.
  • Yogesh. K. 2002. 34th Scientific Assembly of COSPAR held at Houstan, USA from 10-19 October, 2002
  • Yogesh K. 2001. UN/ESA/COSPAR Workshop on Data Analysis & Image Processing Techniques at GORS, Damascus, SYRIA during March 25-29, 2001.
  • Yogesh, K. 2001. UN/ESA/COSPAR Workshop on satellite Data Reduction & Analysis Techniques was conducted in IIRS, Dehradun, INDIA during November 27-30, 2000.
  • Yogesh, K and Prasad, V.K. 1999. 6th Scientific conference of the International Global Atmospheric chemistry Project (IGAC), Bolonga, ITALY.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad V.K. 1998. 16th CODATA International symposium on 'Scientific and technical data and communication for the sustainable development of Nation'. New Delhi.
  • Yogesh K and Prasad V.K. 1998. 32nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly and Associated Events, Nagoya, JAPAN, 1998.
  • Yogesh, K. 2008. Characterization of Aerosol black carbon in and around Dehradun. IIRS Newsletter – Contact, 10(2) (Hindi).
  • Yogesh, K. 2008. Analyzing the effectiveness of Markov Random Field based super resolution mapping over an urban environment. IIRS Newsletter Contact, 10(1).
  • Yogesh, K. 2007. Instrumental measurement of real time concentration of elemental carbon aerosol particles in atmosphere. IIRS Newsletter Contact, 9(2).
  • Yogesh, K. 2006. Aerosols characterization over Dehradun. IIRS Newsletter Contact. 8(1).
  • Harmsen, K., Yogesh, K. 2005. Remote Sensing, GIS & GPS in India - Applications, Organizations at Grassroots level. KGIM International, 18(7), 77-79.
  • Joint Secretary of Indian Society of Remote Sensing –Dehradun Chapter (during year 2008-2010).
  • External Examiner and Guest lectures on RS, GIS and its applications in Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, Kumaun University, Pune university, etc.
Page last updated: 31 March 2022, 16:05


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